Get Involved
Our epic productions of the life of Jesus rely on hundreds of committed amateur volunteers. Find out how volunteering could fit in with your schedule, or how you can help our vision to spread the story of Jesus.
Our profound and moving plays draw crowds of thousands and we are all volunteers.
An experienced actor plays the role of the adult Jesus. Two professional directors underpin the productions. For all other roles, on and off the stage, we rely on hundreds of amateur volunteers – working professionals, retirees and families. We need volunteers to join the cast, help at events, with props and costumes, with sets and grounds preparation etc.
Our plays bring the story of Jesus to life for over 35,000 people a year.
Be part of something amazing and find out how volunteering could fit in with your schedule… We are waiting for you!

Wintershall’s vision is to help people to know the story of Jesus.
Can you help?
You may not be able to give financially or commit to acting in one of the plays, but perhaps, like Andrew in the gospel, you can tell a friend to “come and see.”
If you would like to invite your school, university, church group, friends or neighbours, we can support you with leaflets, posters and advice.
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