Life of Christ for
School Leaders

We are delighted to welcome thousands of school children to our performance of ‘The Life of Christ’ each year. Suitable for KS2 upwards, schools use the performance as a resource for RE teaching and learning to deepen their understanding of Christianity and of the life and impact of Jesus. The performance also serves as a rich stimulus for values enquiry, theatre studies, history and spiritual development.

Feedback from teachers and pupils

“Our children were just in ore from the very first moment, they loved the real animals and there were many comments like “it feels like we are really there!”. I have seen the production many times before but never tire of seeing it again and again. Something new to be found in every viewing!

“It was a fantastic day which definitely created a sense of awe and wonder with my Year 4 class. They made good links to their learning in school also”

” The actor playing Jesus was amazing but so too were all the cast. Our Year 8 students loved the bread given out during the Feeding of the 5000 and we all found following the funeral procession to the cave profoundly moving. Utterly unforgettable experience. Thank you!”

“This experience fits in so well with the new curriculum and we will be reflecting back on it in the coming year in our RE lessons. You’ve made it easy!”

You can read more feedback from this year in the downloads section below

For the Day The School Visit Guide  will provide you with all you need to know for your own risk assessment. Wintershall provides an exciting collection of resources that accompany ‘The Life of Christ’, including free school assemblies both in person and online. Before your visit, why not have a look at our Media page and explore the images, clips and behind the scenes with your group.

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Media Gallery